State of the Map US 2024 - Salt Lake City

In June 2024, the OpenStreetMap US organization held State of the Map US in Salt Lake City, Utah. I got to attend a bunch of sessions to hear about all kinds of projects people have been working on related to the map. Here's some of the details and links for things that I heard about: - OSMUS Trails Stewardship Initiative - TODO wiki link with trail tagging guidelines - TODO tasking manager link - The TIGER Battlegrid - OpenTrailMap - TODO map link - TODO investigate how easily I could help contribute a new layer for pedestrian infrastructure - RecoGNISer - TODO github link - TODO check coverage in utah - TODO investigate if GNIS provides more details about utah (suburbs? developments?) like Xanadu - - TODO github link - TODO investigate what is possible with the osmcha API - AccessMap - TODO website link - TODO investigate more about if they keep in sync with OSM, or if it's entirely separate, since their schema is more complicated than I thought - OpenDroneMap/OpenAerialMap: - TODO wiki links - TODO investigate drone prices and flight licenses - OpenHistoricalMap: - TODO links - TODO how to dual upload new developments - Mapillary - TODO links - TODO camera grant program - TODO camera mount for bike? - AllThePlaces - TODO links - TODO investigate writing spiders for Fiiz, Swig, etc. - TODO taking places back and forth between OSM