ModelSim Cheatsheet

In my search to learn how to use modelsim as a standalone program for my senior project (as opposed to being bundled into Quartus, as I was taught in a previous university course), I came across a random old pdf made by Mentor, that helped me put together the following commands:

Commands run by the GUI

  • Generating the project:
    • vlib work
    • vmap work work
  • Compile verilog files:
    • vlog -reportprogress 300 -work work [file]
  • Load the simulation:
    • vsim work.test_counter
  • Add test signals to the wave window:
    • add wave -position insertpoint sim:/test_counter/*
  • Start the sim:
    • run (for the default time)
    • run 500 (for 500 ns)
    • run -all (until stopped)