Flutter personal Reference

Flutter personal Reference

One and done packages

  • IntroductionScreen
  • flutter_native_splashscreen
  • AnimatedIcon
  • InteractiveViewer (for pinch/zoom)


  • ... is the 'spread operator'

Converting to a Provider

Converting to Provider instead of custom InheritedWidget:

  • I care about providing the signed in user and the list of recipes, and the isLoading bool
  • I need to be able to notify anything about the user signing out
  • I need to be able to notify about a recipe being uploaded
  • I need to be able to notify about a recipe being favorited/unfavorited

  • A class needs to extends ChangeNotifier to be able to call notifyListeners()

  • ChangeNotifierProvider goes above the widgets that need access to it, but no higher than necessary (so app, I think)
  • ChangeNotifierProvider takes a builder for the model (the thing that extends ChangeNotifier [I think this will end up being new recipes list model?])
  • Use MultiProvider to have multiple Providers (I think I need one for user and one for recipe)
  • We use a Consumer inside the widget to gain access to the model. The Consumer uses a builder to rebuild the widget according to the provider
  • The consumer's builder gives the (context, ChangeNotifier[Model],
  • Good practice to put the Consumer as deep as possible

  • If you need access to the model, but not the data inside it, use Provider.of<>